The Fraternity of Brothers by Marina Pacheco – Book Review

The Fraternity of Brothers – Life of Galen part I – was a book with heart, friendship and overcoming our own deepest anxieties. It takes place in 966 AD just before the 11th century in a monastery (AKA abbey). During this time, according to the plot and premise this was a time when being aContinue reading “The Fraternity of Brothers by Marina Pacheco – Book Review”

The Nameless Ones ● Chapter ~ 2

View Chapter One here —- > Hooded figures strolled down the gilded path. They walked aimlessly and without worry on both sides of the pathway, a sharp weapon in hand. They were a barricade to the Feigms between them, whom proudly and dominantly had a tail trailing behind them. Reijha felt an emptiness inside,Continue reading “The Nameless Ones ● Chapter ~ 2”

Boomer’s Book Reviews – Drawn

       Drawn By: James Hankins “This book is for my sons, Alex and Zachary, who won’t be old enough to read it for many years but whose appropriately childlike wonder — which constantly makes me question the impossible — helped me to write it. —–Opening dedication  as written by James Hankins As “punny”, and cornyContinue reading “Boomer’s Book Reviews – Drawn”

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